Key stage 3

Photography is experienced by all students at key stage 3 as part of the design and technology rotation. In year 7 the focus is on developing some of the basic settings such as aperture and manual/auto focus.  Students then get to creatively apply these skills to Legography. Year 8 explores the use of digital editing software such as Photoshop and students creatively apply digital drawing to photographs. Finally, year 8 students move on to experimenting with lighting and shutter speed within a horror theme. Year 9 focuses on creative careers, students explore the use of photography within the commercial industry and produce their own adverts, album covers and magazine covers.

Aims of the subject

We aim to:

  • build on students’ knowledge , skills and application so they are confident to produce creative outcomes
  • build on students’ understanding of compositional elements within photography.
  • build on students’ understanding of cameras and build on their confidence applying these skills.
  • build on students understanding of the many different photographers and influences.
  • gain skills and confidence in articulating their understanding of photography through evaluating and analysis.

Key stage 4

For students who choose photography as one of their options they will build a portfolio of work that explores a wide range of themes to expand skills and knowledge as well as confidence. The course is made up of two components that are completed over the two years.

Component 1 is worth 60% of the final mark and consist of a portfolio of work that the student has completed over the duration of the course.

Component 2 is a NEA (controlled assessment) where students are given a number of starting points by the exam board to then develop a final piece.

Students will have access to ten hours of supervised time to complete a final piece or pieces in response to their initial ideas and developments.

Exam board: AQA
Qualification type: GCSE
Contact: Miss Brackett

How will I be assessed?

  • Coursework
  • Examinations

Future pathways and careers

  • Further study of photography
  • Photographer
  • Filmmaker
  • Graphic designer
  • Marketing
HSFC Graphic 1