Governor name
Emma Paine
Governor role
Appointed Governor
Why did you become a governor?
I have a high level of experience and knowledge in the governance sector due to my work experience, in addition to being Chair of governors for a local primary school. I also take part as a member of the Education Trust Board for Nottinghamshire County Council. Due to the experiences and knowledge, I felt it appropriate to offer my support to the committee and further enhance the expertise of the governors already supporting the academy to improve the outcomes of students.
How did you find out about the role?
Via the Academy website, TES and Linked In.
What do you like about the role, and how do governors make a difference?
The governance role gives me the chance to offer support to the academy strategically and to ensure students are receiving a good level of education to support their future outcomes.
I am grateful to have the opportunity to continue to offer my knowledge and skills to support in a governance capacity to the academy and committee.