Our most recent full Ofsted inspection was carried out in June 2024. The report highlights significant improvement and progress and identified a number of areas of strength since the last Ofsted inspection:

  • Leaders have a keen focus on the right priorities in order to continue to improve the school.
  • Pupils study a broad range of academic and vocational subjects, including in the sixth form. Teachers know what pupils need to learn and how this links to what has been taught before.
  • Well-planned initiatives are helping to improve pupils’ behaviour. Pupils’ conduct is getting better.
  • The school’s determined approach to improving attendance is helping students to come to school more often.
  • The school’s careers education and guidance is comprehensive.
  • Students in the sixth form value the expertise of their teachers and enjoy their studies.

You can read or download the report here:

Ofsted report – June 2024

Link to Ofsted website: www.ofsted.gov.uk