The Holgate Academy buildings are split over two secure sites, Nabbs and Hillcrest, surrounded by large areas of green space and playing fields.  Each building houses faculty areas with dedicated classrooms, a library, a careers resource centre, sport hall, IT suites and specialist art, product design and technology facilities.

Our modern, purpose-built science block offers superb space for the teaching of biology, physics and chemistry with fully equipped labs.

The area at our Nabbs site, known as ‘The Wells’, houses our renowned art department with student artwork adorning walls and stairwells.

Our new Accelerated Learning Centre accommodates students who require additional and specialist support to allow them to catch up with their peers before joining year group classes.  By working with business partners, such as IKEA and J Tomlinson, the space has been fully kitted out with new decor, furniture and classroom resources.

We offer on-site catering facilities for our students.

Some of our facilities are available for commercial hire. For more information please contact Mandy Pearson – email: