British values
Like all schools in England, The Holgate Academy has a responsibility to make sure that all our students are well-versed in what British values are. These values are:
- Democracy
- The rule of law
- Individual liberty
- Mutual respect for, and tolerance of, those with different faiths and beliefs (or none)
To support this, we have several strands of teaching and pastoral work that help to educate our young people. Through our tutor system, students are provided with an opportunity to discuss a new Thought for the Week each week which consists of four elements: a significant event, an impactful quote, a British value word/phrase and a challenge to link the word/phrase to the quote. This inspires lively debate and develops in students a deeper understanding of the significance of British values.
In addition, every Monday, each form participates in a British values activity. Linked to this, there is the daily reference to Manners, Determination and Teamwork, which is part of the core ethos and culture of life at the Academy and which clearly links to all four of the core British values referenced earlier.
Throughout the year, we also run events that celebrate or mark significant cultural moments that tie into British values. An excellent example of this would be the way in which the Academy came together to mark the passing of Queen Elizabeth II, commemorating her life and service and referencing the way in which she exemplified all aspects of British values. The moving ceremony was shared with the whole school via TEAMS and was led by Mr Pennington and our prefects, supported by students representing Cadets, Guides, Scouts and St John’s Ambulance, and was brought to a close with a powerful rendition of the Last Post.
British values are a key element of the school’s ethos and curriculum. Many of our lessons reference British values, either implicitly or explicitly. Below are just a few examples of how British values feature in our curriculum:
- Core values of Manners, Determination, Teamwork through pastoral work
- Teamwork and co-operation in practical lessons such as PE, catering, drama and music
- Exploration of Native American protests in drama lessons
- Dictators 1920-30, the rise of Nazi Germany, and the contribution of the Suffragettes in history lessons
- Study of Oliver Twist, A Christmas Carol and An Inspector Calls in English lessons
The rule of law
- In practical subjects, kitchen safety, teamwork, group work and similar classroom tasks
- Dramatic exploration of the death sentence in Britain in drama lessons
- Study of Victorian England ,Of Mice and Men and An Inspector Calls in English lessons
Individual liberty
- Our core Manners, Determination, Teamwork values through tutor time and pastoral work
- Studying Of Mice and Men in English lessons
- History of blues music and the links to the slave trade in music lessons
Mutual respect for, and tolerance of those with, different faiths and beliefs (or none)
- Manners, Determination, Teamwork and core values through the pastoral programme
- Celebration of significant cultural events such as Remembrance Day
- Study of poetry and Of Mice and Men in English lessons
- Dedicated prayer room available for our Muslim students
The curriculum is supported by a well-rounded programme of assemblies, offering clear guidance on what is right and wrong, and the learning extends beyond the classroom with a wide range of visits, experiences and extra-curricular opportunities.