Student voice refers to the active participation of students in the process of their own education. At Holgate we are committed to promoting involvement of young people in decisions that affect their lives.
What are the benefits of student voice?
- A child’s right to be heard
- Contributes to active citizenship and democracy by improving students’ knowledge and social skills
- Consultation with students leads to better academy performance in terms of behaviour, engagement and attainment
- Personalisation – ensuring the academy meets the specific needs of their students.
Aims of student voice
To give every student a chance to make an impact on:
- The day to day running of the academy
- Teaching and learning
- The academy environment
- Enrichment activities
- The wider community
- The students’ role in decision making at Holgate
How it works
The main Academy Council meets every term. Representatives from each of the five year groups attend and bring to the meeting issues which each house feels are important. Any matters which concern the students are later discussed with the Principal and brought back to the next council meeting.
Every student is able to access the minutes through the student portal and the minutes are also displayed on the student voice notice boards so that every student knows what is being discussed.
Plans for the future
The Academy Council is only the start of student voice participation in the making of decisions at Holgate. It is hoped that there will be increased opportunities for even more students to get involved in the decision making process.
Each term we hold one major fund raising event and non uniform day and students decide which charities will be supported from fundraising efforts on those days.
Decisions about which charities to support are made at the first Council meeting each academic year, by voting on all charities asking to be considered.
This year students have made a decision to support the following causes: Royal British Legion poppy appeal, Battle Batten, McMillan Cancer Care, Notts Air Ambulance, Maggie’s Cancer Care and Dogs Trust.