The academy is committed to safeguarding and promoting the pastoral care and welfare of all our students. We are mindful of our duty to keep our students safe and there are careful procedures in place to ensure this happens.

All staff and volunteers undergo stringent vetting procedures to ensure they are suitable to work with our students, this also applies to any visiting agencies and contractors who may be working on site.

Parents and students are encouraged to talk freely about their concerns and inform the academy of issues which may be affecting educational progress or mental wellbeing. We endeavour to work in partnership with parents at all times, however, the academy cannot where a child may be at risk in certain circumstances consult parents first or agree to keep a concern raised confidential.

If you have a concern relating to any student in our academy please contact a member of our safeguarding team on 0115 9632104 and ask to speak to a safeguarding officer.

Designated safeguarding lead (DSL)
Keir Mather


Designated Governor for child protectionKate Turner
Designated safeguarding leadKeir Mather
Deputy safeguarding leadsRebecca White
Michelle Berry
Andrew Topp
Safeguarding officersCharlotte Scott
Briony Bradley
Kirsty Needham
Shanice Hurt
Charlotte Eatherington-Marsh
Safeguarding officer for sixth formAshley Brown
Local authority child protection contact / LADOEva Callahan
0115 804 1272
MASH0300 500 80 90 

Safeguarding policy

The Holgate Academy follow the Diverse Academies’ safeguarding policy.