Pupil premium funding

The pupil premium represents an annual amount of government funding aimed at improving the educational achievement of children living in economically disadvantaged circumstances. Schools and academies are required to publish an annual report, giving further detail of how this funding is used, and indications of the educational impact on the children it is aimed at helping.

Pupil Premium Plan 2023-2024.pdf

Recovery premium

The recovery premium grant is part of the government’s package of funding to support students whose education has been impacted by coronavirus (Covid-19). It is focused on pupil premium eligible students and students in specialist settings such as special schools, special units and pupil referral units (PRUs). This is because of the additional impact of the pandemic on these students. The following information details how we will use our funding at The Holgate Academy.

How we intend to use the grant

  • Maths small group catch up strategy focused on students who have been identified in the following categories
    • Lack of engagement during lockdown
    • Students with low independence skills causing higher rate of impact on academic progress and retention of prior skills, knowledge and understanding
  • English small group catch up strategy focused on students who have been identified in the following categories
    • Lack of engagement during lockdown
    • Students with low independence skills causing higher rate of impact on academic progress and retention of prior skills, knowledge and understanding
  • Academic mentoring to include support with
    • Concentration skills
    • Aspiration
    • Mentoring and counselling to address adverse childhood experiences
    • Mentoring and counselling to address learnt behaviour
    • Mentoring and counselling to work in partnership with parents and other agencies
    • Sensory Overload – Students adversely affected by increased sensory stimuli
    • Sensory Underload – Students adversely affected by reduced sensory stimuli
  • Cross-curricular intervention support
    • Staffing and resources for identified content that has been missed or is in need of consolidation

How we will assess the effect of this expenditure on the educational attainment of our students

  • Internal academic progress data
  • Externally awarded academic progress data
  • Determination to learn data
    • Teacher Assessment
    • Student Reflection
    • Parent Opinion
  • Staff survey