During lockdown, the academy approached Ashfield District Council to see if we could take part in any up coming events to help raise spirits and promote wellbeing during the pandemic. Our creative arts faculty had already organised and raised money for Young Minds through an arts auction so this was the next step in helping the community.

The council were very keen to work with local schools to create memorial benches for those who has passed away during the pandemic. We used this brief as part of our creative identity projects in year 9 as we explored the important historical moments that Hucknall has experienced.

Our students worked hard at home on this and created a series on entries that not only highlighted what we all went through, but also visualised our hope through the use of the NHS rainbow and clapping symbols.

Four of these benches have been commissioned and will be placed around the Ashfield district, with one being in Hucknall. Well done to our students who showed exceptional resilience over lockdown and determination to help others during this difficult period.