Yesterday marked the first rewards event held since the relaunch of the Holgate rewards policy – it was an incredible (and very sunny) day to celebrate the consistent excellence shown by our students.
During the afternoon, 120 students from years 7-10 were invited out onto the academy field to spend their time relaxing with friends, playing football with each other and enjoying a very well deserved down-time session in the sunshine.
The students had qualified for this event through their consistent effort towards weekly reward draws. There was a different focus each week, including 100% attendance, 0 negative points and even achieving 80 positive points in a single week! Students who met the criteria over each of the eight weeks were invited to the afternoon celebration, as this is a massive achievement by these individuals – it was a privilege to be able to reward them.
The students’ behaviour during the afternoon was exemplary, with each year group sticking to their designated area, using perfect manners and joining in with the activities. Students took part in crossbar challenges, cartwheels, penalty shootouts, dancing and relaxing, all with a smile on their face.
The PosRe Team has further plans to reward the behaviour of our students and hope to see more and more students attending these events based on their manners, determination and teamwork.
Well done to all of the students involved – you should all be extremely proud of yourself and hope that you enjoyed the afternoon as much as our staff team did.