Dear parents and carers,
This week we are launching our new newsletter using Microsoft Sway. I would urge all parents to take a look at it and ensure that they click on the different images, particularly the examples of outstanding work by our students. The year 9 physics student books are incredible and mirror the type of presentation we are expecting in all student day to day books. Parents can check these every day and help to encourage their children.
Staff have been really pushing on good manners this week and our students are being taught that being well mannered at school includes arriving on time, getting day to day books out and starting their initial retrieval task in a calm and orderly manner. The staff have enjoyed rewarding students with positive points for starting the lesson with good manners and respect!
Some more great football action happened last week with a fantastic performance by the year 11 team goalkeeper Oliver Sewell.
This is our final week of the half term and we hope that all our students enjoy the half term holiday and recharge ready for an important term leading into Christmas.
Mr Pennington