Dear parents and carers,

I will be writing a weekly message to emphasise expectations, achievements, logistics and concerns.

In this first message I will reiterate our core values:
– Manners – be polite to everyone, all the time
– Determination – try your best all the time
– Teamwork – be helpful to everyone all the time

We look forward to working with you so that our students maintain these core values at home as well as here at The Holgate Academy.

Please can all parents support the positive start to the year by ensuring students set off in time to arrive on site at 8.35 with the correct uniform, no piercing jewellery in excess of a stud in each ear and without un-natural hair colour. These are basic expectations shared commonly by most schools and parental support is again vital.

We made improvements last year but acknowledged that some students were involved in disruptive behaviour and, before our Ofsted inspection, we had already engaged with a firmer approach to poor behaviour that affects our students and our staff. Students are already becoming used to this approach and our weekly monitoring of lessons is showing that the learning environment in our classrooms is calm and focused providing the foundations for our students to learn and enjoy achieving.

This week our year 7 tutors will be completing initial contact with parents to report how students are settling in. I would remind all parents and carers that the tutor is the link for parents for general queries, concerns and complaints and that Weduc should be used. Anything more urgent should be communicated to year leaders by phoning the academy – anything that is an emergency should be communicated to the senior leadership team by phoning the academy on 0115 963 2104

Looking forward to our third week of the year!

Mr Pennington