Last week, I was privileged to watch the opening and final performances of Moana Junior, our first school show since the Covid lockdown. Staff worked tirelessly to provide students with the opportunity to actively participate in the show – both centre stage and backstage – and the result was a very professional first performance on the Wednesday night.  This set the tone for subsequent performances and by the final night, it was clear to see just how much the students’ confidence had grown.

Following our recent launch of conduct cards, I would like to thank parents for working with us to praise their children if they have no infringements on their cards, and for encouraging and supporting them to do better if they have accrued some. I would like to assure parents that we follow the guidance of the Department for Education in handing out sanctions, ensuring they are based on a balance of probabilities/proof and exercising common sense. The key focus is to recognise if there is a pattern of negative behaviours forming and, if so, to work with the student and support them. The conduct cards, along with the day-to-day books and the positive/negative points which can be tracked on the Weduc app, are an effective way for parents to stay updated about their child’s behaviour, work ethic and standard of work.

I am pleased to end this week’s message with confirmation that some new toilet blocks are scheduled to be built during this academic year. In the meantime, we have provided a dedicated toilet block for our youngest students in Year 7.  As always, if students have any questions about this or anything else, they should speak with their tutor.

We are Holgate!
Mr Pennington