It is hard to believe we are almost in November and the clocks will be going back soon.
It has been a very busy start to the year!
Year 7 students have settled in well and are going from strength to strength. They have quickly come to grasp our routines and are conducting themselves as mature young people as they move around the academy and experience all that the academy has to offer. The launch of our new Accelerated Learning Room has been a great success as part of our transition package ensuring that all of our new students will have a successful start at Holgate.
Early in October, we held our Year 6 Open Evening organised by Mr Diamond. Prospective parents and students spent the evening with us getting involved in lessons and activities. Following this event, many parents contacted the academy to arrange an “Academy in Action Tour” and spent time with us during the school day visiting classes and experiencing the day-to-day learning activities. Feedback was extremely positive with parents keen to put in an application for their children to attend in Sept 2019. Applications continue to increase year on year, which is a clear indication of our success!
Period 7– many of our students choose to attend our period 7 sessions that run after school 3.15- 4.10. This is a great way for students to access support with homework; projects; coursework and exam preparation. Three weeks ago, Mr Ellis updated you stating we had over 500 hits at period 7 clubs. This has now increased to an incredible 1,093! This is a huge new record for the first half term of the school year and shows how well Holgate students are rising to the challenges of the curriculum and simply wanting to be their best through hard work!
NOTE: Year 11 have their own bespoke sessions for English on a Monday, Science on a Wednesday and Maths on a Thursday – it is vitally important that year 11 attend p7 sessions in preparation for their mock exams in November – please encourage your child to attend if they are in year 11. Now that the darker nights are here, ensure that your child informs you if they are staying behind to take part in these sessions. If you live in Bestwood Village, a place can be booked on the school mini bus to ensure your child arrives home safely – contact the academy student services to arrange this.
On 22nd October, we launched the “Big Push” with our year 11 students. During this presentation, the importance of hard work, 100% attendance, and work life balance was emphasised. Extra rewards will be given to individual students and tutor groups who demonstrate progress and engagement this term – if you are a parent/ carer of a year 11 student please spend some time discussing this assembly with them. Consider how you can help them as we approach the mock exam period- talking to them about their learning and encouraging them to do homework and revision will be a massive help.
Year 11 parents evening will take place on 16th January 2019 – put this date in your diary and come along with your child- we want to work with you to ensure your child achieves their very best results!
HSFC (Hucknall Sixth Form Centre) continues to impress all the students who have chosen to continue their education with us. On Thursday 8th November, the HSFC will be hosting an Open Evening for year 11 students who are considering applying for a place in Sept 2019. Come along and see if this could be the next step in your child’s education.
We have also been working to support the local community – The Holgate Academy students have put forward 150 entries for consideration of the Number 1 Pit Memorial /Hucknall Pit – 27 of these will be going forward to the selection process run by Reach out Residents and Ashfield Council. We wish our students good luck!
On Sunday 11th November, I will be attending the Remembrance Day Event setting off from the Market Place in Hucknall at 10:30 am. Also attending will be our prefects and other representatives from the academy. Poppies will be available to purchase in the academy when we return after the holiday and assemblies during November will acknowledge Remembrance Day.
Rehearsals are underway for our school show High School Musical jr – come along and enjoy an evening out! 21st & 22nd November 2018.
Our annual Carol Concert will take place at St Mary’s Church in Hucknall on Wednesday 12th December. Further details will be on the website nearer the date. Please come along –bring family and friends and help us get into the Christmas spirit.
Colder, wetter days are now approaching so please ensure your child has a suitable coat to wear so that they do not get wet/ cold moving between sites. If there are severe weather conditions (e.g. snow) which result in any adjustments to the school day details will be put on the website so, do check.
To support us with our arrangements on such an occasion it is vitally important that we have the correct contact details for all of our students. If you have changed your phone number or address, please ensure you have shared this information with us – send information to student services so they can update our systems.
Many of you may be aware that we have had an academy review earlier this term. On the 2nd and 3rd of October The Holgate Academy hosted ten DALP colleagues who undertook a FAR (Full Academy Review) of the work we carry out. They visited lessons and spoke to students. The feedback was extremely positive. The full report will be out later in November and I will share the details when it arrives.
End of term – reminder the last day of term is Friday 21st December. We finish at 12.55. and the school bus will be organised to leave at 1.10pm – students should attend every day right up to the end of term, poor attendance has a massive impact on your child’s progress- they need to be here every day to learn.
Can I take this opportunity on behalf of my colleagues and myself to thank parents and carers for your ongoing support. You and your children make this academy a great place to be.
Ms S Forsey