Our year 7 students have recently been tasked with completing some exciting homework experiments for science. They were able to complete as many tasks as they wanted, and each was rewarded with a valuable homework point.

Some students created shapes with Skittles and then investigated the effect of temperature on the speed of diffusion of the colours. Some completed a full investigation with a write-up, while others drew their own posters of results, took photos, or created a video to show the class.

The next task involved creating salt crystals. Students dissolved large amounts of salt into warm water in a jar or cup until no more would dissolve. They then tied a paperclip to some string and attached it to a pencil, which sat across the top of the jar, allowing the paperclip to float within the mixture. Students shared their pictures each week as their crystals developed along the string. This inspired others to take part.

We also ran a recycling project, where, with the help of parents, our students collected recycled materials and created a 3D model of plant and animal cells, which they then labelled. This was a great opportunity for students to be creative while enhancing their knowledge of plant and animal cells at the same time.

The last experiment involved creating balloon rockets using simple equipment, including a balloon, string, and a straw. Students were amazed by what could be produced with such simple objects.

The enthusiasm and dedication of our year 7 students in completing these tasks has been impressive, and the end results have been excellent. Well done to all students who took part. I think we might have some budding future scientists among our year 7 students.