Wednesday 28th March 2018
Do you want to help your child achieve their best possible results in their KS4 courses?
Do you want some helpful hints and advice on how to help your child achieve their best possible results?
Do you want to know about the support we, at Holgate, are offering your child to achieve their best possible results?
Of course the answer is YES.
You will be really pleased and reassured to hear that we are offering Year 11 students, parents and carers an opportunity to find out how we can take steps to success together in the remaining weeks leading up to GCSE exams.
The session will provide you with information and guidance on:
- what to expect from each exam.
- how you can help at home.
- where the best revision websites can be found.
- the different revision techniques your child can use.
- the intervention we are offering.
- the additional after school and lunch time support we are offering.
- how to plan a revision time table.
We will also have staff from across subject areas available to answer all of your questions.
Further, we will provide the latest assessment information on your child so you can make clear connections with how they are currently doing and focus on what they need to do differently to ensure they achieve their best possible results.
We look forward to seeing you there.
Ms J M Smith
Vice Principal