Key stage 3

Art and design is experienced by all students at key stage 3. Students have one lesson per week. Students will be introduced to the fundamental elements throughout key stage 3. In year 7 the focus is on creative play and exploring art through time and how it has evolved and influenced cultures and society. Year 8 explores creative identities, looking at both local and wider influences in art and design. Year 9 focuses on creative careers and how skills explored can be used and transferred into careers.

Aims of the subject

We aim to:

  • Build on students’ knowledge, skills and application so they are confident to produce creative outcomes
  • Build on key skills within the fundamental elements of art and design
  • Build on students understanding of the many different artist and influences.
  • Gain skills and confidence in articulating their understanding of art through evaluating and analysis.

Key stage 4

Why study art?

Art is open to everyone – the only criteria is that students are prepared to work hard, complete coursework and homework, work independently at times and enjoy what they are doing.

The art and design course encourages the development of imagination, sensitivity, observational and analytical skills.

What will I learn?

Students are required to demonstrate how they can:

  • record responses to direct experience
  • develop ideas for their work, investigating visual and other sources of information
  • explore and use a range of media for working in two and/or three dimensions
  • review, modify and refine work as it progresses and realise intentions
  • identify the distinctive characteristics of art, craft and design and relate them to the context in which the work was created, making connections with their own work
  • make critical judgments about art, craft and design, using specialist vocabulary

How will I be assessed?

  • Coursework (worth 60%)
  • Non-exam assessment (worth 40%)

Exam board: AQA
Qualification type: GCSE
Contact: Mrs Draper

Future pathways and careers

  • Art and design qualifications
  • Fine art
  • Fashion and/or interior design
  • Design
  • Advertising
  • Illustration
  • Teaching
  • Art therapy
  • Product design
  • Photography
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