Key stage 3

Product design is part of the rotational study in design technology taught to all students at key stage 3. Please see key stage 3 details here.

Key stage 4

Why study product design?

For students who love to be creative, our product design course suits individuals who like designing, model making, and producing products using a range of materials.

What will I learn?

Exam board: Edexcel
Qualification type: BTEC Level 1/2
Contact: Mrs Draper

Students will follow a practical and technical study of the art and design industry. The course provides an introduction to some of the key themes within the industry, enabling students to develop and apply their knowledge of the sector while also developing a range of relevant practical skills and techniques.

How will I be assessed?

  • Coursework

Future pathways and careers

  • Art and design related study, including product design and engineering
  • Web and graphic design
  • Illustration
  • Engineering
  • Advertising
  • Marketing and communications
HSFC Graphic 1