This BTEC course is offered as an optional subject at key stage 4.
We offer core PE to all students at key stage 3 – see details here.
Why study physical education?
This is a vocational course that is predominantly theory based with some aspects being taught through practical activity. It is suited to those who want to develop their knowledge and understanding of anatomy and physiology, develop their ability to plan and deliver sports activity sessions as well as having an interest in sports leadership.
This course is taken in addition to the two lessons of core PE that students receive each week in year 10 and 11.
What will I learn?
Exam board: Edexcel
Qualification type: BTEC
Contact: Miss Lunney
The course comprises of the following three components, one and two will be assessed by the teacher and three will be assessed externally by the examination board (Pearson).
Component 1: preparing participants to take part in sport and physical activity
Component 2: taking part and improving other participants sporting performance
Component 3: developing fitness to improve other participants performance in sport and physical activity
How will I be assessed?
- Internal assessment
- External assessment
Future pathways and careers
- Further study in sport and leisure
- Teaching and coaching
- Sports therapy
- Sports analyst
- Physiotherapist
- Sports lawyer