Curriculum intent

Students will study science throughout their time at Holgate. The curriculum is designed and delivered in an environment that supports students to become skilled, articulate, resilient and well-rounded scientists. Practical work is used to develop the students’ ability to work scientifically and improve their analytical skills. We want to harness and nurture the enthusiasm that students bring from key stage 2, developing their knowledge and understanding of science so students can see how relevant science is to their everyday lives.

The curriculum is supplemented with a range of extra-curricular opportunities to develop and extend skills and inspire our students further.

Key stage 4

GCSE combined science

Combined science is a core (compulsory) course at key stage 4. We also offer an optional course of separate science – see details here.

Science impacts on almost every area of the world in which we live, and a good science qualification is required for a huge range of occupations. The study of science teaches us a number of essential skills that are transferable across other subjects and pathways.

Students will study all three science subjects (biology, chemistry and physics) and will be awarded two GCSE qualifications. This course allows students to develop their skills and knowledge in each aspect of science. Within lessons, there will be a set of core practical skills that students will need to cover, with both practical and written content to
develop skills in investigation and analysis.

Exam board: AQA
Qualification type: GCSE
Contact: Miss Driscoll

How will I be assessed?

  • Examinations – two each in biology, chemistry and physics

Future pathways and careers

  • Further study of science
  • Medicine – doctors, nurses, radiographers, pathologists, paramedics, etc.
  • Engineer
  • Veterinary scientist
  • Research scientist
  • Personal trainer
  • Sports scientist
  • Forensic scientist
  • Architecture
  • Finance
  • Psychologist
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